Before the pandemic hit the world, some of us find it hard to watch a series or a newly released movies because of our hectic schedule at work, school, business etc. But because of the lockdown, we had to stay at home. This gives us more time to watch any movies that we want. With the aid of movie streaming services such as Netflix, HBO go and the like, watching movies has become even easier and ithout hassle. Hence, here are just a few approaches to movie streaming that you can try this quarantine.
Make it Part of Your Routine
Yes, this entire quarantine thing is quite affecting our mental health in a negative way. We may feel so stressed and anxious about the current situation that the world is facing right now but if only we let ourselves find ways on how we can deal and cope with this circumstance, we can get pass through it. Watching movies is ne of the best ways for us to feel overwhelm. So if you feel like watching movies can alleviate the stress you are feeling, make sure to make it part of your daily routine. You can find different genre of movies from 123movies and other streaming websites.

Create a Guide
Sometimes, watching movies can be very boring especially if you don’t have a guide when watching. For you not to randomly choose any movie that you can just see on the app or streaming site, it is advisable to create a list of movies that you haven’t watched yet and make a schedule for all of them. When doing so, make sure to watch different genres alternately. In this way, you won’t easily get bored and you can definitely enjoy watching a new and fresh movie.
Look for unwatched movies
Certainly, you have some movies available in your shelves or on your ‘watch later’ section on a mobile app. This quarantine might be the best time to watch those movies. You may have the Friday the 13trh horro series and other sequel films that you haven’t watched yet. So make sure to dig them out and whiling away an evening or two with them. With this, you can use your free time during this quarantine to watch them with your loved ones. It’s never too late for you to watch those old and yet amazing films.

Look for other platforms
Yes, we all know that Netflix is arguably one of the widely used streaming services app across the globe. There is no denying that Netflix has a lot oif great movies available on it. It also offers different genres of movies so you will never run out of choices. But you should not limit yourself to this. You may also consider checking some other platforms where you can also find great films, TV shows, series and documentaries. Some of those include Criterion channel, Mubi, Kanopy, Shudder and so many more.
Overall, watching movies in this quarantine is certainly one of the productive ways that we can do. More than just entertainment, watching movies also provide us knowledge and other information that we don’t usually get from school or from our daily experiences. So watching movies is also a form of learning. Apart from that, movie streaming, regardless of the platforms you are using whether it is the modern medium like Ntflix, HBO go and other streaming services apps, or the traditional one via DVD, spending it with our family is already considered as a productive way of using our time during this quarantine.