If you’re fairly new to Minecraft or simply enjoy playing on your own single player world, you may feel like it is lacking when it comes to being in control. The truth is that single-player Minecraft worlds actually come with their own set of built-in commands. While finding them is as easy as typing /help, understanding them may sometimes be a little confusing. That is why alts Minecraft accounts are often recommended to players so that they can learn more about the game before they actually start with the game.
Let’s take a look at some of the easy single player commands that can put you in control of your Minecraft world. First, be aware that these commands are typed right into the in-game chat and can only become a command when your text is preceded by the forward-slash (/). Also, these commands will only work if your world is set to creative mode.

Toggledownfall –
Do you ever feel like the rain in Minecraft will never stop? Well, now you can stop the rain (as well as the thunder and lightning!) with a single command, /toggledownfall. Likewise, if for some reason you should want it to rain, simply do /toggledownfall again.
Weather –
Much like toggledownfall, this command helps you control the weather but it also allows you to decide what type of weather you want as well as the duration. Just type /weather followed by clear, rain, or thunder and then the amount of time in seconds.
Time Set –
Do you wish there were a few more hours in the Minecraft day? Well, you can make that happen too. Just do /time set day and the sun will magically shine again. Simply replace the word day with night if you want it to be night time. You can also use number values between 0 and 24000. Using 6000 will give you midday, 12000 sunsets and 18000 will set the time to midnight.
This very short and simple command will teleport you to another player’s location. Using the /tp plus the player’s full in-game name is handy if you get lost or separated. You can also teleport yourself to specific coordinates (x,y,z) if you know the exact location of where you want to go.

Game rule doFireTick –
While the /gamerule contains a number of commands, probably one of the most important ones is firestick [value], the value being either true or false. If you’ve ever downloaded a saved Minecraft world where the fire wasn’t disabled, you know that it can go up in flames pretty quickly, leaving you with little but a few odd blocks. By doing /gamerule doFireTick false, you can prevent the spread of fire. Setting it to the true will of course allow the fire to spread if, like Nero, you want to watch Rome go up in flames.