Choosing pictures for your rooms can be difficult. Pick out pictures that convey what you want to happen in a room. If it’s your bedroom, have happy pictures for instance. These pictures should be hung at eye level. Avoid putting small pictures by themselves. Instead put smaller pictures into groups and create your own little galleries. If you do choose to go with a gallery style picture collage, hang the pictures so they are only two to four inches apart from each other.
Furniture Placement
The way that you decide to place your furniture can have a big effect on the atmosphere that you are creating. Furniture placement in the bedroom should reflect a equality among the relationship. Have added chairs face each other and room on both sides of the bed.
In the living room don’t push furniture up against the walls. Some may think that it helps to make the area look larger but it will actually have the opposite effect. It will also spread people out too far. Instead think about a H or U shape to place your furniture in. Have the furniture face each other so that it promotes conversations. Put a rug under the front feet of all the furniture to bring the unique space together to form its own area.
Make a Small Room Bigger
By placing curtains three inches higher than the actual window you will be elongating that area of the room. Using curtains that have vertical stripes on them can achieve this as well. Paint the ceilings white so that the area appears to be more airy.

Wall Colors Last
Pick out the colors that you want to paint your walls last. Let your interior decorating skills pour out into your rooms first. Bring in the colors that you want to through the décor first. On the first floor of your home, try to pick neutral or light colors. It will help the flow as you move from room to room. If two rooms are next to each other and relatively open paint them the same color so that the rooms look bigger. If a particular color speaks to you though that isn’t neutral or light, go for it. Its your home and it could show off your personality.