
Review of Jovan Satisfaction Perfume for Women



Jovan Musk is one of those classical scents that my grandmother wore, and my mother wore. I never associated the scent with an old lady like I do with Channel No. 5. With Jovan, no matter how old the scent was, I loved it, and eventually adopted the ritual of buying the scent whenever I ran out of it. For me, Jovan Musk is like a comfort food, a warm scent that would just envelope your senses in it’s sweet addicting deliciousness. It reminded me of my grandmother, and my mother. Jovan was for me, (and I am sure many others) a memory.

I ran out of it a few months ago, and went on the prowl looking for it at my local Target. Once I located the scent, I noticed something that completely floored me. A new scent from Jovan! I snatched the last package up, and thought to myself, that it had been years since Jovan released a scent, and I was not about to let this new scent pass me by. $19.99 later I had a brand spanking new bottle of Jovan Satisfaction.

Unfortunately in the store they had no tester bottles available to try. I figured that my love for Jovan Satisfaction would be similar to my love for their musk. A new scent, awaiting new memories.


Jovan Satisfaction came wrapped up in a small pink colored box with the Jovan logo easy to spot. Inside sat a small glass bottle, with a very, very pale pink plastic top. I truly did not like the bottle at all, and normally I save bottles of perfume, even after the perfume is gone. Jovan Satisfaction however would be a bottle I would throw out, due to it lacking that collector’s appeal.


I popped the top off, and sprayed 2 spritz of Jovan Satisfaction on to my wrists. The very first scent I got from it was a scent that reminded me of bubble baths. A clean fresh scent, with a refreshing zing to it. Once the initial scent left, the very next scent that I was picking up on was rose.

Now I always had an affinity for rose and consider it one of the best brands of perfumes to have come out but this was something else as the scent emanating from the bottle was quite entrancing and one could simply drink it all away.

I liked the scent a lot, but there was no way this newbie scent from Jovan could even come close to being the absolute perfect scent like its original big sister Jovan.

What made Jovan Musk so irresistible was that the scent lingered, it grabbed attention, and just a few dabs of the concentrated Jovan oil, and you could smell like heaven for days.

I am sure a lot of you reading this are wondering if Jovan Satisfaction has the same lasting power.


Jovan Satisfaction does in fact pack some last to it. The scent lingers for a few hours, but it does not last as long as the original scent Jovan. All in all I got about 3 hours of recognizable scent, and others around me were able to smell it a few hours longer than I was. I assumed I had grown accustom to the scent.

All in all, I’d say I got around 6 hours of solid scent, until I needed to re-apply it.


Jovan Satisfaction is one of Jovan’s newest scents; one that I never imagined would ever be released. I have embraced the new scent, and welcomed it into my world. It’s an inexpensive lovely fragrance, that packs a decent lasting scent. I would recommend it to just about anyone.

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