Do you need more money to pay for your family vacation, buy a new car, or to help your kids with college expenses? You might want to consider direct sales as a way to increase your income and perhaps to even live debt free.

I started selling Tastefully Simple Gourmet Foods just before my son started college at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Tastefully Simple Gourmet Foods are sold through home parties, business expos, person to person and through my website.
Tastefully Simple Gourmet Foods is based in Alexandria, Minnesota and the company is almost 14 years old. The products are delicious and are very simple to prepare (They make even ME a good cook).
During the time I have been selling Tastefully Simple, I have also worked full time as a Human Resources Administrator. Tastefully Simple allows me to work nights and weekends (on my own schedule) in order to earn the extra cash that my family needed.
My son Adam will graduate debt-free from Michigan State University in May of 2009. The extra money that I have earned has helped pay for tuition, books, rent, groceries and car insurance. Not having any debt when he graduates will make Adam’s life easier and not having to make loan payment for his education, will allow me to retire earlier (if I choose).

Are you thinking that gourmet food sales not for you? There a dozens, maybe even hundreds of direct sales businesses to consider. You can elect to sell a variety of products ranging from kitchenware, fashion, skincare, and jewelry, to tools, craft supplies, and cosmetics.
With (Tastefully Simple) direct sales, there are several ways to earn cash.
- By selling the products at a cost higher than the (consultant’s) purchase price
- By recruiting – a Sr. consultant will get a $50 check when each new recruit submits her first $1,000 (retail)order
- Building a team – consultant’s can earn income based on their team sales
Most direct sales businesses offer additional incentives as well – things like trips and other gifts to keep consultants working hard for the company.
Besides my income, I have gotten several gifts from the company over the years – a clock, some pretty glassware, a serving tray, jewelry and other items.
With Tastefully Simple, we also earn points (based on our sales) to turn in for additional prizes of our choosing (almost like green stamps from the old days). I have earned a 6-foot fiberglass ladder and a Sawzall with those points. I am not sure what my next goal will be, but I suspect it will be something else from the tool section of the catalog.
There are dozens of ways to make extra cash in order to reach your goals, pick something about which you are passionate and have fun while earning cash!