Micro Stock Photography websites provides a new and efficient way to use photography to make money online.
Micro stock photography is a way of getting photography to the masses. It basically allows Clients to buy photos at severely discounted rates such as $1 or $2 per photo and in return the photographer gets a cut each time one of their photographs is chosen for purchase. Due to the high expenses involved in becoming a photographer (for equipment, lenses, learning, shoots, etc…) many photographers don’t agree with such low sales prices. However, micro stock photography is still in its early stages.
The main attraction of micro stock photography agencies is the help that it can give new and aspiring photographers. There are very few requirements to be met when joining up and hobby photographers with regular cameras are able to make a steady second income from micro stock photography sites.

So how do micro stock photography sites work?
It’s fair easy to get set up and earning money. Just follow these steps.
- Start by looking around at the available micro stock photography sites as there are many of them out there. You’ll want to start with one or two at the beginning as it will be easier to handle at first.
- The minimum requirements for each agency are different and you should check the rules carefully. Some will want you to submit 10 photos and some only 3 and some just 1. One thing is the same for each agency: You should submit your best photos at this stage.
- Your submissions will then be reviewed by humans and they will decide whether to accept you into or reject you from the micro stock photography site. If you’re accepted, then your photographs will be put on the site for clients to “purchase”.
Photos from micro stock photography sites are mainly purchased for use on websites, magazines, brochures and advertisements. Although clients may choose to purchase your photos, they do not actually own them. They are just buying a picture license which allows them to use that photo. This means that the photo always belong to the photographer and can be sold repeatedly to different clients. This is the great thing about micro stock photography sites; they mean that you can make money from the same photos over and over again, month after month and in some cases even year after year. So it only takes a few quality photos to get a steady profit going.

It isn’t that difficult to get quality photos in current times due to the presence of numerous apps and filters to make it appear more beautiful but still micro stock is a venture worth considering, which you can do so by going through Evergreen Wealth Formula by James Scholes, where you can learn the basics about how and when to do it.
The going rate at the moment with most micro photography agencies for a single picture license or a single purchase is from $0.20 to $0.50. Although this may seem very little at first, a decent photographer may have a few hundred photos, and over a period of time the cents will add up to a healthy second income.
There is a lot more information out there online about micro stock photography that can’t be covered in a single article so it is well worth looking around and doing some research first.