Today we will talk about just a few of the best surf spots to vape in California. We will start down south in San Diego County and head up north. Dont feel bad if your spot was left off of the list, this is just a few many great places to surf and vape some weed.
There are so many types of vaporizers are available in the market that help weed smokers fulfil their desire of getting high. The use of dry herb vaporizer is found to be less harmful in comparison to the other as it involves cooking of the leaves rather than burning them. Oceanside is one my favorite alternative spots to surf; I usually go there when some of the more famous spots start to get overcrowded. Not a lot of people know about it besides local surfers so you should be able to surf tourist free without having to fight for waves. It is a very long stretch of sand in North San Diego Counter and borders the famous Orange County. Even when the beach does start to fill up there is enough room for everyone to spread out and grab their own spot. There are few local surf shops you can check out in the area including K-5 Board Shop located at 525 South Coast Highway and the Surf Ride Board Shop at 1909 South Coast Highway. As an added bonus Legoland is just a few minutes away so if you need a break from surfing just hop in the car and go have some fun.

Moving north to Orange County you can find Seal Beach. Here you will find nice warm water, you should note however that is warmed by the adjacent power plant so surf at your own risk. There are also a ton of sting rays and as a result is referred to locally as “Ray Bay”. Ray Bay has a pier and four different jetties that shift the surf so make sure you are a strong swimmer before taking on the beach. I usually float over towards the pier to sneak some rips off of my magic flight launch box. The soft sandbar break makes this beach very popular with longboarders. If you head south of the pier you will usually find a bodyboarders so be careful when you are hopping in cause those crazy kids will come up fast and surprise you.

We will skip Malibu because everyone already knows about Zuma Beach and the beautiful babes in bikinis you can find there. North of Malibu you can County Line, another of my favorite spots a little bit off of the known trail. While this spot can get crowded on a good day there is still a good amount of room to surf and vape. You can catch some real nice barrels on days where the waves get above three feet. Its only 15 minutes north of Malibu so you can pretty much gauge County Lines is going to be by how crowded Malibu is on that day.
The Silver Strand is one of my favorite spots to surf during the winter months, depending on the weather you can see some real nice waves. The beach is located in the middle in between the US Naval Construction Battalion Center and Channel Islands Harbor so you shouldn’t have any problems finding it. There are three main break along the beach, the south jetty aka the “The Ship” is known for its unique break caused by a shipwreck back in the 1970′s. Overall this is very nice surf spot that has some really good and friendly surfers. Local legend Timmy Curran owns a house on the beach is frequently seen hanging ten with some of his buddies.